Friday, June 28, 2013

Annoying Friends

Everyone has that one annoying friend . but your just gonna have to deal with them... unless you never really like the.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Mommy and Me

 On Friday me and my beautiful mother is suppose to be having a mother and daughter day.I love having mommy and me days because its just me and my mommy and we talk about everything.... Well not eeverything , but almost about. My mom is like  a best friend , she be crackin me up when she be tellin me about her lil stories.. I cant wait , we finna have a blast ! B.T.W that is just a picture, my mom does not look old.

My Day With My Best Friend

Yesterday when I can home from work , my best friend called me and told be to meet her at Liberty. When I got their , her jumbo self jumped on me and we both fell cause shes waaaaayy taller then me. But we walked around until we got tired & hot and then we sat on some benches. And then we started to tell each other EVERYTHING, because we needed to catch up cause we haven't seen each other in like 5 days.And all the things in the picture is exactly what me and her did . That's why i posted this picture, Its cute and and its just like me and her.....I love my bestiie

Tuesday, June 25, 2013


Friendship . One of the best things you can ever have . A good bond with someone can bring you joy. Just having somebody their who you can be yourself around . Someone who plays along with you when your acting retarded.Or laughing about any and everything. You and your friends play together lie together dance together and etc... Its always good to have people who you can get along with. And a good friendship is key term.

Monday, June 24, 2013


When you and your older sister is arguing . Instead on arguing with her , punch her in the mouth so she can shut up. But if your the older sister . then go tell mommy.... Or whoop her . But if your the older brother , then walk out the house . And if your the little brother , then tell mommy .

How To Make Friends

If you need more friends .Then do what i do , act like a weirdo ! That gets people out their comfort zone and makes them feel uncomfortable. And then you say some funny things and it makes then laugh . And then BOOOM ! You got some friends .

A Little Situation

     Problem: your closest friend went behind your back and and messed around with your boyfriend or girlfriend, How would you feel and what would you do ?

My answer . I would have a long talk with each of them by their selves to see whats going on and what happened . Then i would bring them together and have a group talk .And if it brings drama to the relationships , then ill just stop being their friend . Now that's a positive conclusion
My other answer . I would call my friend up on his/her phone and cuss them out and if it comes down to fighting , then we finna work ! Then ima call my boyfriend and go off on him to. And if we can work it out , thats coo . But if we cant.... Then on to the next .