Friday, June 21, 2013


Hello everyone , My name is Makayla Saunders.I am 15 years old and i will be attending Independence High School for my ninth grade year.I have 7 sibblings but some them are my step brothers and sisters. I live with my mom as well as one of my sisters and my moms twin brother(my uncle).About four months ago my step dad pasted away in a car crash and that broke my heart.For the first couple of weeks i was sad and needed someone to talk to, or some way to express my feelings so i decided to write and now i feel as if i can write about that then i can write about a blog about relationships with people.

 What this blog is based on is any type of relationship with your partner
,family member or mate. Sometimes i will through in  any family type thing. Like if your having issues with someone, so look out or those blogs as well.Feel free to tell me anything on your mind and ill answer or explain with honesty.Now what made me want to open up a blog based on relationships is because ive been through so much heartach,drama and depression though out my like and im only 15.

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